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New York Herald, February 25, 1917 The ideal simplicity of the induction motor, its perfect reversibility and other unique qualities render it eminently suitable for ship propulsion, and ever since I brought my system of power transmission to the attention of the profession through the American Institute of Electrical Engineers I have vigorously insisted on its application for that purpose. During many years the scheme was declared to be impracticable and I was assailed in a manner as vicious as incompetent. In 1900, when an article from me advocating the electric drive appeared in the Century Magazine, Marine Engineering pronounced the plan to be the "climax of asininity," and such was the fury aroused by my proposals that the editor of another technical periodical resigned and severed his connection rather than to allow the publication of some attacks. A similar reception was accorded to my wireless boat repeatedly described in the Herald of 1898. The patents on these inventions have since expired and they are now common property. Meanwhile insane antagonism and ignorance have been replaced by helpful interest and appreciation of their value. Recently the Navy Department has let contracts aggregating $100,000,000 for the construction of seven war vessels with the induction motor drive, and an equal sum is appropriated to cover the cost of four huge battle cruisers which are to be fitted out in the same way. This latter project is resisted by some shipbuilders, turbine makers, electrical manufacturers and engineers who, in fear of a fatal mistake by the government and under the sway of patriotic motives, urged upon the authorities the employment of the geared turbine. CONTROVERSIAL CORRESPONDENCE The most efficient means of propulsion is a jet of water expelled astern from the body of the vessel. Though the theoretical laws governing its action were precisely expressed fifty years ago by Rankine, a singular and inexplicable prejudice against this device still prevails among engineers and writers of text books on hydraulics. But the far sighted are keenly alive to its possibilities. While our present motive resources do not admit of an advantageous use of the jet, it can be confidently predicted that it will soon be instrumental in a more complete conquest of the deep. I firmly believe that at this writing it is being applied to the submarines devastating the oceans, for their silence alone can explain why they escape so easily detection by microphonic instruments. The sound emitted is the Achilles talon of the undersea boat. Its suppression materially increases the destructiveness of the new weapon. THE HELICAL PROPELLER ADVANTAGES OF TYPES Through gradual improvement of the cutting tools, scientific design, metallurgical advances and refinement of lubricants, the so-called herringbone gear has been brought to great perfection. De Laval attained an efficiency of ninety-seven per cent and MacAlpine, Melville and Westinghouse ninety-eight and one-half per cent in the transmission from the driving to the driven shaft. On the other hand, ninety-three and three-quarters per cent may be considered as the maximum with electrical apparatus. This means that with the gear the same turbine would impart five per cent more power to the propeller, which should increase the speed of the cruiser from thirty-five to a little more than thirty-five and one-half knots. As it also appears at first sight that the electric drive requires additional space, is heavier and more costly, it is only natural for those who have not made a thorough study of all its phases to decide in favor of the gear. SOME FATAL MISTAKES The electric drive is of complex influence on results in ship operation. For the sake of brevity it will be viewed only in the following principal aspects: - (1) turbine performance, (2) power transmitted to the propeller, (3) efficiency of the screw, (4) low power cruising, (5) high power action, (6) fuel consumption by auxiliaries and apparatus for ship use, (7) general economy and (8) promptness and precision of control of all effects, internal and external. The present turbines are extremely unsuitable for ship propulsion. They offer a striking example of an antiquated invention of small value elevated to a position of extraordinary commercial utility through profound research and astonishing mechanical skill. With hundreds of thousands of thin blades easily destroyed, buckets that through corrosion and erosion soon become wasteful and small clearances between surfaces rotating at terrific rates, they are a cause of constant danger and hazard. IRREVERSIBLE TURBINES To that extent, then, the turbine is at an advantage when driving a dynamo. Two hundred degrees superheat will usually effect a saving of about twenty-three per cent of steam and ten per cent of fuel. This, however, is not the only gain. The turbine, freed from all the impediments of the gear drive, is capable of being safely run at a higher peripheral speed with a correspondingly increased efficiency and output. Thus, by moderate superheat and other simple and allowable expedients, it becomes practicable to develop twenty-five per cent more power from the same fuel, and this alone would make the electric drive decidedly superior to its competitor. A MECHANICAL TOUR DE FORCE SUPERIORITY OF ELECTRIC DRIVE Economy in cruising is one of the most desirable qualities of a war vessel. This is its ordinary use, for the chance of ever being engaged in battle is remote. The bitterest opponents of the electric drive do not deny that it excels in this feature, upon which the manufacturer chiefly relies in guaranteeing a fuel consumption from 10 to 12 per cent smaller than with the gear. The latter is hopelessly condemned by inability of adjustment to varying speed and wasteful in cruising operations, while the former is readily adaptable and economical under all conditions. Another quality of the electric drive, which may prove especially valuable in action, is its capacity of carrying great overload without danger, owing to the nature of the connection between the turbine and propeller, as explained. The gear is rigid and unyielding and any increase of effort, particularly if sudden, may cause a breakdown. SAVING OF POWER Quite apart from this central station supply will be operative in reducing other waste, many accessories will be dispensed with and general economy materially increased. But from the military point of view the quickness, ease and precision of control will perhaps be the most significant of the advantages gained. Everything may be made to respond instantly to the pressure of a button. By reversing the motors the vessel may be brought from full speed to a stop within its length. It will be possible to make it go through all evolutions with extraordinary rapidity and a perfection of manoeuvre, undreamed of before, will be attained. A curious mistake is made by the advocates of the turbine gear in estimating relative weight. It hardly needs be stated that it is unfair, if not absurd, to compare arrangements of widely different character and scope. Only such as are capable of accomplishing the same results should be considered. Now, a gear drive corresponding to the electric would consist of four main turbines with gears, four reversing turbines of the same capacity, and eight smaller driving and reversing turbines for cruising. This agglomeration of complex and not all too rugged machinery, with its network of water, air and oil pipes, valves, pumps and attachments, would by far exceed in weight the proposed electric drive, and would also require better structural protection, not to speak of other defects and shortcomings. QUESTION OF WEIGHT The same is true of the cost. Comparative figures mean nothing. The question is whether the investment of capital is justified by what is to be accomplished. But enough has been said to show that for results in all respects equivalent, assuming them to be possible, the gear type, notwithstanding all claims to the contrary, would be more expensive. That the electric drive is experimental and uncertain of performance is the least tenable of adverse assertions. In the first place, it has been successfully employed on a number of vessels and a great many more are being built. It also was found to be capable of an efficiency higher than that of any other form. But this is quite immaterial. The confidence that in the present instance all expectations will be realized is not based on a few demonstrations, but on years of experience with power plants ever since my system was commercially inaugurated. Tens of millions of horse power of induction motors are now in use the world over and no failure is recorded. NEW CRUISERS' REQUIREMENTS Much stress is laid on reports, still to be verified, that it was rejected by England and Germany. But this is of no consequence. It has been rejected here more than once. Besides, there was war in the air of Europe and the time for radical innovations unpropitious. Moreover, the Diesel engine was looming up with large possibilities and Dr. F—ttinger's hydraulic drive was being tried. The beginning must be made somewhere and it would be deplorable indeed if the United States, where the invention was first announced and introduced on a gigantic scale, were the last to recognize it. Such mistakes have happened only too often. The foreign navies are not in the habit of keeping the press informed of their doings and it is safe to predict that if progress in this country is much retarded there will be a repetition of previous disappointments. It is unnecessary to dwell on other objections which are of minor importance and of no bearing on the principle. Without going into tedious technical discussion, it may be stated that the electric drive, if judiciously designed, will save not less than twenty-five per cent of fuel and, with due regard to this and certain specific and invaluable advantages, will be lighter, cheaper and in every respect more dependable than the gear. In fact, I believe that a scheme can be devised permitting the placing of all vital parts below the water line. In view of this, it is to be hoped that the Secretary of the Navy will not pay attention to the protests of rivals, however patriotic, but will cause the good work to be pushed to completion with all the power at his command. These statements are to be understood as reflecting the present state of the art. The advent of a reversible turbine will profoundly affect the situation in favor of the gear. Such a machine has been perfected and was described in the Herald of October 15, 1911. It is the lightest prime mover ever produced and can be operated without trouble at red heat, thereby obtaining a very high economy in the transformation of heat energy.. I anticipate its speedy and extensive application to ship propulsion. But although an ideally simple and very inexpensive drive will be thus provided, there will still be weighty reasons for adopting the electric method on war ships. In order to dissipate all doubt created in the mind by diversified engineering opinion, I will make known but One of them, which in itself is sufficiently consequential and convincing to dispense with further arguments. DISARMAMENT IMPOSSIBLE The maintenance of war ships and other military implements involves an appalling waste. A vessel costing twenty millions of dollars is rendered virtually worthless in the short span of ten years, deteriorating at the mean rate of two million dollars a year, interest not considered. Hardly more than one out of fifty serves its real purpose. To lessen this ruinous loss and exploit certain inventions I elaborated a scheme some years ago. It was recognized as rational bur financially and in other ways difficult of realization. Now, when national economy and preparedness have become burning questions, it assumes special import and significance. TO USE WAR SHIPS IN PEACE But this is not all. There is another and still more potent reason for adopting the electric method. It is founded on the knowledge that at a time not distant the present means and methods of warfare will be revolutionized through novel applications of electric force. |
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