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Motor Generator Test - YouTube John H |
John H. |
Truth be told this setup is old!
This technique dates back to Tesla, would be nice to hear that repeated form time to time. Would be nice to see what was learned from the source instead of this ranting and raving....I have yet to see anything new or improved. The method under display was perfected to an extremely high degree by Tesla, where is the info on what he did? I mean this Tesla tech.....Right...? ![]() Then theres that one guy...whats his name...Robert W. Alexander. In 1975 he got a patent 3913004.pdf granted for this same topology....check the attachment if you are interested. Same damn topology...my question to you is, in light of this, why are you teaching people or better directing the researchers here to "Frankenstein" perfectly good motors? Refering to the attached images, you will find that these motors, ![]() ![]() ![]() these things, the dual commutator devices you are trying to get people to build ALREADY EXIST and have since Tesla's time!!! Guys and gals, please do your homework, save yourself a boat load of trouble with fabricating. If you really want to work in this direction, study the attached patent, and find yourself a few of those old DYNAMOTORS and tear them apart and rewire them! Or....ignore me and continue working on your frankenstein motors! The true potential of this direction is in that patent, and in the information Tesla left regarding it this special topology, not in what you are being sold....my opinion...not subject to change any time soon.. This stuff is old and I'm tired of seeing hard working, serious researchers singing and dancing to this tune. Where in the hell are all the real questions? Why is no one challenging this confused mess. Some are and I truely applaud you! Keep asking those questions, one day they will get answered, by someone else...a competent authority, if we are lucky. There is nothing wrong with established science, other than the fact that is one sided. Science as its taught is complete in its onesidedness..... what I'm seeing here is a guy who has cloned that one sidedness? So now we simply have way more of the same....not good in my book. Be careful with going with the sacred geometry...you reintroduce symetry...but you knew that...right....how does asymetry apply to your topology? anyway.. Fellow researchers, the anwsers are right in front of us. How can we formulate the right questions if we're caught in the following the leader spiral..... Some leaders have provided all we have been searching for, real working technology that is ready right now, however, for whatever reason, the information wasn't released in a format that the layman (us) could do anything with. The following is to be taken as an example only...maybe... That being said.....the school girl is more that just a battery charger. Some of you know that. Radiant energy....Why in the hell is it limited to one side of the conductor?????? Isn't the magnetic field generated by the entire coil? Hmmmmm.....somethings missing.....and you have found it when you find the second spike, the spike which charges the supply like the spike you generate now charges the second battery..... Ignore everything in this post except the patent and the images of the motors! Or ignore that too....its up to you. Regards Last edited by erfinder : Today at 02:05 PM. |
Thank you... This is good scientific discovery. All the opinions need to go. UFO has graciously given his Ideas. All we need to do is experiment and see for ourselves one way or the other. I haven't talked much as I have nothing to contribute until I can do a legitimate and reasonable test. DadHav you could have this done in an hour... and better than anyone here. @all This is really fun stuff. It is no different than building a model airplane, we should all just build it, have some fun in the process, and if it flies and UFO is correct all the better..... UFO, I have been wondering about The Brushless motors used in the R/C world, once we get through these basics do you have something on that subject to share? Don't want to jump ahead to soon so I can wait if needed. Les Les |
""That's some pretty heavy thinking there dude."" Yeah..i know..but is it not exactly that what you are looking for here? Are you not tired of chasing your own tail in this boring fe game? How long you are in this? Heavy thinking is what we need here. Tesla said that one is for sure.He don't know what energy is!! We all need new approach and new experience.That`s for sure! RGDS Waterfall |
The Trolls and preachers have finally found you. ![]() @DadHav Ask your professor what to do about the financial crisis and who did caused it, and who needs to pay for it. @Erfinder, Ufo stated more then often that is was a Nikola Tesla invention. You have a very negative attitude. Bert Last edited by bbem : Today at 02:34 PM. |
Not the same
the patient you post is not the same as UFO's. Just compare the patient to UFO's drawings and they are not the same. There are two coils in the patient. One coil terminating both ends to one commutator and the other coil terminating both ends to the other commutator. UFO has two coils in series, one end terminating onto one commutator and the other end to the other commutator. Very different. i can't wait till UFO has married up all his threads. that where i think he is taking all of us. i'll build my motor on the weekend, i have all the parts ready to go. |
First time builder
Hi all,
I first would like to thank especially UFO & everyone here for sharing of their work on replications. I will be attempting a build myself, but I have little electrical knowledge and hope you all will be patient with my questions. I have 2 of the radio shack 273-256 motors for my first build, if I ruin one they will have more in on Friday. I do not know the math's and hope to focus only on amps in and power out. I have in mind a simple home made brake that I will use to test before and after motor modifications. My first question is, can I use my radio shack 12V*500mA AC-to-DC power adapter as a power source? I can always use batteries latter, just hoping to reduce variables in source for testing. Thanks, Gene |
Thanks for 3 Pole Troubleshooting
Hi UFO and Dana,
Thanks for the 3 pole motor troubleshooting. No humming in the motor when connected. I think the problem might be the quality of the brushes. I've got 2 nice 3-pole motors from an electric side-view car mirror. Will try and work with them today (if the missus will let me ![]() Bob |
I saw that video before, but thanks for posting it again. The most SIGNIFICANT thing for me was that the two radio shack motors hooked together ran on .84 amps at 6.8 volts. When I did this exact same test my motor ran at .82 amps, but 12.3 volts. This is a major issue that we need to address. It cost you 5.6 watts of power for one motor to run the other, while my test showed 10.08 watts to do the EXACT SAME thing. (provided of course that they ran at exactly the same rpm, which I strongly doubt) That is TOO much variation of the baseline data to give us results that are worth ANYTHING. (without that third piece of info, which is rpm of the motor, not to mention the inductance of the two motors) If my modified motor cut my watt usage in HALF which would be dang exciting for ME (if I didn't know better) I would be at the SAME watt usage you are at NOW with NO modification to the motor. This is why data, and ALL the data is critical. Not just bits and pieces of it. I think we are on the same page bout THAT! WE need to run these motors on a set voltage powering a set load and until we get some data from a lot of folks, we don't even have a strong baseline on which to base ANY conclusions about what modifications are doing. How many of you have a variable power supply so we can at LEAST get some baseline data of one standard motor running another one on a SET voltage if we come up with a standard bulb we can use as a load???? If we are not going to be scientific about this, lets just get out our book of spells and our magic wands. Dave
Talent hits a target no one else can hit; Genius hits a target no one else can see. - Arthur Schopenhauer Get it all on record now - get the films - get the witnesses -because somewhere down the road of history some bastard will get up and say that this never happened' General D.Eisenhower The world we have created is a product of our thinking. It cannot be changed without changing our thinking. Albert Einstein I aim to misbehave. - Malcolm Reynolds Last edited by Turion : Today at 03:20 PM. |
John H |
John H |
Hello dear Erfinder...
Hello and good morning dear Erfinder, [IMG] ![]() I was expecting you at any time, but I never thought "your debut" here... would be so "smooth" may I say? My dear friend, I notice that you have not seen my video at all... Mainly, the first thing that if, you could....kindly allow me to say... In my video... ASYMMETRY TO ENLIGHTENMENT... The first Two Minutes (2:0) and Thirty Seconds (30) of it...(2:30)Min I, dedicated my entire Research...to DR NIKOLA TESLA... Read First My LEGAL DISCLAIMER...Where I use DR NIKOLA TESLA's Patent Images as a nice blended background... I had the pleasure to Upload this video to You Tube, exactly right ON Tesla's Birthday...July 10th ... Look at Video Upload Date... Also at the end...I complete my dedication to Dr. Nikola Tesla... I have never said...it was MY PATENT, nor my Claims..anywhere on this thread, or in My Videos...But an Original Tesla great Art..from 1888.. I have cited a Copy of the Patent, Yellow High Lighted, and underlined in RED... At the Specific statements, where Tesla mentions His very Specific Design Claims, related to Independently Connected Pairs of Coils or Groups thereof... Now, I am just "a random guy"...that took his time to put it all together for you all to enjoy and reproduce...In order that you were able to see it all as a whole, hoping I did a pretty fair Honor to Nikola Tesla...since His Art is not taught at all in any EE School of our Planet So, dear Erfinder...May I be the one to say... That you are the one, actually, not bringing anything "new" to this thread at all... ...since what you have written above...I did it way back in time, when I first made this video... Regards Dear friend...and next time, you decide to come back to say Hello in that always "Smooth Fashion" of yours...please take your time and read me and watch me a bit slowly...don't let other feelings take over your great analytic mind...it is not good at all...basically for a healthy Scientific Mind control...that need to do vast research all the time... Thanks Ufopolitics |
Thanks for getting back to me on this. If I misunderstood let me know. John H Last edited by DadHav : Today at 04:14 PM. |
It is true that forums initially masks the character of the posters, but the more posts that are logged... patterns emerge. Friend or Foe become visible.
Now if you are one of those that are paid to suppress, it is understood that you must do your job. But if we are truly researchers trying to find our way on the frontier - at a minimum, we should learn to collaborate on the scientific methods and results - not the personalities. Replication utilizing the parameters provided by UFO should be a starting point. All other configurations, materials, methods and art should be set aside until scientific evidence proves out... base components and modifications increase torque, significantly less draw under variable loads, etc. etc. In our quest to see these answers right before us, we should not put speed of replication ahead of qualities of work. Lidmotor is right, this is not an easy replication for most. But, if you are patient, ask for assistance from the collaborators on the thread - amazing progress can be made. Then once you all virtually have identical devices, a pool of consensus can develop. Then ...the base technology can grow in range and scope. If the fundamental performance values are what they appear to be, we all will likely benefit from building this new understanding. In the mean time, each of us should decide if we are friend or fore to the effort. Join and become part of the solution - or by default you become an obvious part of the problem. As long as we can see you, I doubt anyone here will have a problem stepping over further efforts to stifle the collaborative possibilities. Let's honor Tesla's inventions and UFO's investment to bring it forth in this age, and return our focus to the task at hand. ![]() |
My Dear Friends...
Hello to All,
When I came here for the first time...found this great site, full of so many nice and willing to cooperate members, to replicate to build, to invent, to try, to keep going even through the odds, the frustrations...or the success. I want to thank first, Who oriented me so greatly, when I was lost and urged to disclose all my findings to Humanity, in the Open, without any means of privacy or profits in any forms...and I was just trying on Facebook and on my You Tube Channel...But I was not doing it the way I wanted...to broadcast it in a wider platform. Well, Thank You Mr Peter Lindemann!! For showing me the right paths to follow to just show my work, as also for writing such Great Articles and so much Awesome Material, that has helped me, and encourage me, so many times, and so much in every detail of my research and development!!. Now please allow me to introduce now...The closing of My Loop...where I join My First Thread here..."My Motors Got me to Tap Radiant Energy" I have written there, I have found means to Tap Radiant Energy through my experiments with my Motors-Generators...Well, I took them all apart...to get to the bottom of this, and started a whole new approach based on Static Coils Assemblies, where I attach them to Diodes, Oscillators and obtain an Output... Well, to make it short... ASYMMETRICAL ONE COIL, FIBERGLASS STATOR CORE FOR MOTOR - YouTube Here I am making a test and proof, of my own concept, of how We could build a single Coil of Enameled Wire on top of Plastic or Fiberglass just used as a Wire Holding Structure...and Pulse that Coil with an Oscillator-Controller, and obtain a great rotation on the Machine Armature... But also, based on my original Set Up with Two Diodes, We could also get Radiant Energy out of that Single Coil...As it would be understood the possibility to add as many Secondaries as desired, Isolated and Non Isolated... The Dual Commutator original designed by Dr Nikola Tesla, where He conceives Pairs or Groups of Pairs "Independently Connected" also renders an Output, or for the first time ever...a "Positive" Back EMF...That assist instead of oppose to our rotation... Please forgive the Model...is a Rough one and not as a Masterpiece like Dad Hav would have made it...that I put together very fast, and not "too tight" BUT, it shows its purposes...the basics...I know you all guys could do them much better than me...you have prove it all along here!! All together, I believe I am presenting here for you all to play with... Excellent possibilities for you to build, enhance and render a Higher Performance Concept of Machines, other than the ones We all can afford up to now, as also they offer many infinite possibilities to exchange components within the System, finally to obtain a whole Modular Assembly, where Motor and Generator meet in a very Harmonic and Peaceful way... Thanks for watching God bless you and much Enlightenment to all Many Regards Ufopolitics |
This was the half assed blah blah I have come to expect from you, and for the record, I gave you the benefit of the doubt. I watched your films (complete waste of life force...), a dedication to the good doctor isn't a detailed description of what "he" brought to the table and your understanding of such!! Its not me who has to prove or demonstrate anything its you, your thread(s) remember? Your demos and "testing" methods leave one wanting .....someone else to test it for you...you have been provided with several really good suggestions..my recommendation...try them. I love how you completely ignored the dynamotor, and the patent which was granted to its inventor. Its all good..as I have read else where from another poster, the truth will come out sooner or later. I hope for you, that it comes out in your favor. You might want to print a copy of that patent you snagged that picture from and study it! That image is a side view of the rotor, but you knew that, as you are rewinding rotors....right? Well I have studied the patent and it has absolutely nothing to do with what you are selling here. What you didn't know is this topology (as Tesla lays it out in the patent) is extremely significant and you do Tesla and everyone here a real disservice by not presenting the device as it is being presented in the patent!!! 390721 Dynamo Electric Machine. Thats where you got the picture from right....? This topology is extremely special because when properly driven it becomes a true motor generator!!!!! You would know that if you studied the damn patent ...right? This is one of Tesla's most important gifts to the layman, it is one of the first if not the first acceleration under load topology, the perfect motor generator when left in its "patented" form and driven using methods "patented" in 1896. But you knew all this right? Any response from you at this juncture will be a waste of both of our time so ignore me and get back to butchering motors and telling others how its the right thing to do. Regards Quote:
![]() Actually I'm starting the winding when I close the top to the notebook. Take care. John H |
![]() It does this because a coil not only has inductance, but also capacitance. There are like tiny capacitors between the coil windings. This makes that the energy is being flipped back and forth between electrostatic (coupled to voltage) and magnetic (coupled to current). Usually, you consider these capacitors as "parasitic", unwanted, but they are there and these make that a real coil oscillates when pulsed and left alone for a while. Note that in this case, we are talking about an isolated inductor, not placed in a magnetic field and certainly not on a rotor rotating within a magnetic field... Update: A more detailed description here: Voltage Reverses, Yet Current Doesn't?!
Please donate to Eric Dollard All of Eric's posts here together on one page -:- Electrical Engineer disproves Einsteins Relativity Theory Who performs the first longitudinal Moon-Bounce in history? Mark McKay Documentation on Edwin Gray's Fuelless Engine Patent collections: Gray Meyer -:- Everything I have posted on this forum of which I am the author, is hereby part of the public domain. You can do whatever you want with it, except claiming that you're the author of it. -:- Last edited by lamare : Today at 06:30 PM. |
![]() explain why i think it is a trick question. The real answer is yes it does because it goes from the magnetic field you create lets say "north up" to no magnetic field after the collapse then back to the magnetic field you create again "north up" if the current does not change direction through the coil the magnetic field will never be alternating. So the field goes - North - None - North - the change is from none to north and from north to none. The inductor does not change from north up to south up. And while the inductor appears to change voltage polarity, the voltage out of it that is applied to the load remains the same before during and after the collapse. The polarity of the voltage out of the coil does not change. And yes I do lots of stuff. Cheers P.S. The oscillation will not occur if the inductor is discharged fully in one action then pulsed again.
First Imagine it. Then Build it. Last edited by Farmhand : Today at 06:03 PM. |
Hi guys! Don't argue and don't mix items deliberately!
1. Ufo pointed out again and again that his discoveries relate to TESLA as origin of thoughts. Nevertheless he made something specific in how the coils are arranged. Some of you insinuate that they are the only being able to read Tesla's patenets. I red them and others as well. And these are the persons being patient because they know the difference. 2. I like the idea and conviction that those arguing here have built Tesla and Alexander discoveries and can show to us all how to replicate them. But please don't mix your extrodinary achievements with our low level scince. I fear they are not compatible and we can not understand them. 3. The valuation of every fact depends on the personal expectations. Unfortunately those expectations are not expressed at all but the judgements. This ambiguity is an excellent primer for arguing and never ending disputes but no way for clear science. 4. The cradle of real science is a initial strong vision. Vision followed by constructive playing with the facts, valuations of chances, accept setback - but never knuckle under to persons going different ways. We expressively accept other ways. We can learn from them. And we like to be accepted by others. Life is too precious and short for arguing. 5. My expectations are to find a practical means in order to get very high effitiency motors and possibly overunity self running machines. There is no matter where they were invented, modified, built, rejected, disparged, debunked ...... And I do not want to have them for my own advantage only or for earning money but for ease of life for people living in poor countries. They have few time left. 6. Referring to item 4 we are now in the sale of maturity at: "play zone" - preparing further steps. We gather empirical knowledge in order to digest it. I ask you all kindly to share knowledge and suggest further steps only! ![]() Regards JohnStone
Experts spend hours a day in order to question their doing while others stopped thinking feeling they were professionals. Last edited by JohnStone : Today at 06:56 PM. |
Hello Farmhand
Hello Farmhand, My original question was... Quote:
No, it is not a tricky question...and your answer was not in either Black or White, like I requested...typical "getting away" without saying absolutely "nada"...First you said "yes it does"...then "it doesn't" However, out of all the mixed up statements you have written above...I caught up a couple, that define your opinion/answer as a big NO...The Inductor-Coil-Winding-Field winding, etc,etc, same thing all...does NOT changes Magnetic Field Polarity, as You stated below: Quote:
However, Lamare's response was smarter and of much more scientific approach than yours...His answer was full of logical statements, and as always He does, backed up by Internet Links/Graphics to visualize, expand and solidify his statement...but precise to hold on to just one solid side... a nice Yes. So Lamare wins here...!!!.... ![]() And my reason to tell you Quote:
Is not going to be explained in a long page full of words...I am not that way...simple rational Lab Testings...Models at work...brings me answers...and real ones...sometimes costs a lot of work and time...but I get the answer straight from the Source. Below is a very lousy video (compared to the quality I render), but it shows it purpose... ASYMMETRICAL ONE COIL, FIBERGLASS STATOR CORE FOR MOTOR - YouTube I am pulsing an Asymmetric Armature, inside a Non Steel Embodiment (Fiberglass), Now this Armature produces a SOLID SOUTH and a SOLID NORTH on each of its sides, when energized...The Stator is a Straight ONE FIELD BIFILAR COIL , no DUAL SYMMETRICAL STATOR FIELDS...and it spins like there is "no tomorrow" Farmhand...and they are connected in perfectly PARALLEL FASHION I am very sorry to tell you...that according to your "Theory" That ARMATURE should have NEVER turn like that...but just HOLD (AT PRESENCE OF FIELD)...and Release Attraction-repulsion at whatever field it "accommodates" stationary (AT NO PRESENCE OF FIELD) rendering just a "HEAVY VIBRATING-NON ROTATING ARMATURE"...When Pulsating it at fast PWM rates... And as you can see there..."it moves"...it rotates STRONG and very smooth, doing an excellent job at acceleration-De-acceleration modes... Sorry about that Farmhand...need to study a bit more into Free Energy devices and Asymmetry... and quit being so skeptic, pessimist and Non Believer of Radiant Energy...that takes a big chunk, out of your analytic,logical, judging mind... ![]() Lamare ![]() Regards Ufopolitics |
Hello Sebosfato! Great those should do an excellent work!! Please do share some pic's and keep Us posted. Thanks and regards Ufopolitics |
OK then, whatever I disagree. As I said I am not a naysayer, all I did was
comment that to determine efficiency you need to determine power, efficiency cannot be determined by voltage alone. Then you distract to an argument over a magnetic field. So simple answer please yes or no. Does the magnetic field change polarity by a current flowing through the inductor the opposite way ? Cheers
First Imagine it. Then Build it. |
Great Analysis Netica...
Hello Netica, Good way to look at it...and you are right, we have to analyze this in a more detail level of study...unfortunately I can't help you right as of now...My Pentium is kind of "overheated"... ![]() But I will cool it off then we can talk about this interesting approach... Thanks Regards Ufopolitics |
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