Very briefly, Viktor Schauberger engineered several types of machines that would create an up-current of axially-spinning air so powerful that the up-current's drag force would speed the whole machine higher and higher into the air. Of the many different types of air turbines he made several of them boasted a thrust force of nearly 10,000 bhp - simply by moving air. Some designers have utilized Schauberger's special turbines for flight (see fig. 1) and new research (see below) suggests that there indeed is a strong case for the continuation and re-establishment of Schauberger's research into these hugely beneficial technologies.
Unfortunately Schauberger was an Austrian caught up in the inhumanities of war-stricken Europe, and at the peak of his creativity was forced to work for the German war effort until the end of WW II. Under orders from Himmler he was to carry out research-and-development for the Germans at Mauthausen concentration camp where he worked with twenty to thirty prisoner engineers on secret projects centered around 'higher atomic' energies. He received special dispensations from the German SS, for both himself and his prisoner engineers, to carry out this research work. In 1944 he and his engineers were moved, again under the direct orders of the SS, to Leonstein in Austria. At that war's end most of his machines at Leonstein were sequestered by American and Russian 'engineers' and cul-de-sac'd. After the war he moved to Salzburg, but found no-one willing to help him further his researches. Schauberger wanted purely to help humankind make a better world for itself. In return his life's work was taken from him by the arts of businessmen, and he died a broken man in 1958.
Perhaps as a gesture of good-will, both the Russian and American 'engineers' should return these research documents and prototypes to the Schauberger family at PKS Austria, or at least publish the voluminous research works that are, after all, the legacy of one of the greatest engineers of all time.! But for a collection of notebooks, design-board sketches, and articles published in German periodicals (see note 1), and a smattering of published patents all of this great man's contribution to New Physics would have been lost to the world. The subject of Viktor Schauberger's discoveries has no handy starting point, so I'm going to jump straight in where it suits best the overall subject of flying aircraft.
The Pipe - Stage One
Central to any understanding of Schauberger's levitating force is his use of the cycloid-space-curve. This he used to generate a dual flow of fluid through a pipe - of an inner axial flow which moved faster through the pipe than did its peripheral flow which was especially directed into a cycloid path (see fig. 2).
In this flow-separation lay the secret of the inducement of what Schauberger referred to as implosion - a force opposite to but many more times more powerful than ex-plosion. This unique force though was merely one stage in a whole cycle of transitions resulting in a thermo-electric process that transformed ordinary air, water, or sea-water into a super-biomagneto-kinetic force.
The pipe gives one example of how Schauberger brought about what he referred to as a "fermentation" and a "cold-oxidizing" of, as in this case, natural water. The same principle, as will be seen further below, could be applied to atmospheric air. Using Schauberger's terminology, his task was to segregate the carbone and the oxygene particles of water or fluid, process them, and then reconstitute them with a different energy configuration - with a much higher energy quota than was normal. Then, by using certain characteristics of a vortex, in conjunction with the implosion effect, it would channel the resulting release of repulsion energy and use the energy for kietic propulsion of the generating device. Viktor's Whorle-pipe patent.
This is how he did it:If you look at the flow patterns drawn into fig. 3, it can be seen that what this pipe created was a peripheral cycloid flow which acted centrifugally, close to the pipe wall. This motion would begin to draw out and harness the organic carbones of the through-flowing water. Correspondingly, tight to the centre of the pipe was drawn the inorganic oxygenes rotating under a centripetal reactive force. His discovery that water's (and air's) carbones react to a centrifugal influence, while oxygenes to a centripetal one having come from many years of previous experimentation and observation (see note 2).
The special guide vanes secured into the pipe to rotate the peripheral fluid flow were also specifically placed lengthwise at specific intervals, over the whole length of the pipe, to instill an alternating increase and decrease in the flow-pressure along the pipe, which resulted in a general cooling in temperature of the whole water-mass (another one of Schauberger's discoveries - Viktor Schauberger British Patent: Water conduit, #415280, of 1934 ).
What occurred under the influence of these opposite motive forces, within the water, was a metabolic process of transformation (see note 3), or as Schauberger explains, "It is also known that dissociation and re-combination, therefore the rearrangement of the atoms, can be effected in the substrate with the aid of catalytic processes. In this regard it has been observed that these processes take place in a characteristic cycle or oscillating rhythm until a new state of equilibrium is established " (see note 4). The processes that he could generate by using the cycloid-space-curve-motion within an enclosed space would lead to the almost instantaneous production of a lower and a higher product of synthesis (see note 5), which constituted the dissociation part of the process.
Fission and Fusion
Through the cooling of the water the density increases, and as the differentially rotating central core (of oxygenes) and peripheral spiraling carbones rotate about each other their bipolar ingredients constantly abrade at the intervening slip plane and against the outer-wall guide vanes. This breaking down or refining process further induces a dissociation of the micro-particles of the two separated fluid flows, firstly by a process Schauberger named the oligo-dynamic effect (see note 6) of decomposition and hence a liberation of supplementary influences, and secondly, by a shriveling up and densifying of both the oxygene and the carbone elements, thereby creating a reduction in volume. Thirdly the carbones, or rather the residues of the carbones, are rendered unipolar (and potentially different from the oxygenes).
As a result, the axial core of the fluid accelerates ahead of the peripheral (spiraling) flow thereby increasing the potential-difference between the two flows. Then, in what can only be described as a highly complicated triggering of bio-electric chain-reactions, there occurs an energetic interchange between the residues of the abraded carbones and the axially-flowing oxygenes. Whereby, as Schauberger stated, "If this state [of interchange] is reached at the anomaly point [of 3.98ºC or 39.164ºF], then the highly energized organic residues (the former particles of the carbones) bind their fertilizing counterparts (the oxygenes), and the naturalesque product of synthesis is complete" (see note 7).
One would suppose that this 'charged water' would be likened to a fluid in colloidal form, whereby its molecules would have instilled into them a strong, negative electrical charge, but, according to Schauberger, this was not the case. He proved that the product of this process was a much higher form of energy.
"If on the other hand a tri-polar mass is split up by suction-intensifying and temperature-reducing dynamic influences, then the true creative substance (residues of carbone) will be exposed to revitalizing (cooling) temperatures. In this case the formative pulp-matter becomes free, unipolar and so highly active that it binds, consumes and digests the oxygen, which has become passive under this other dynamic influence. The end product of this magnetolytic dissociation is the predominantly magnetically charged ion, whose original formative and levitative force, which as everything else in Nature is to be understood as an indirect effect, can be intensified by up to 96%. Imbued with levitative force, these ions suck up the inferior matter and the generating device in their wake..." (see note 8).This was a discovery previously unknown to science at the time.
In conclusion then, from the above delineation of what happens inside this special pipe, at this stage in the transition-process there is a RADIAL-TO-AXIAL (centripetal) force, and chain-reaction, which performs a highly dynamic transformation upon the pipe's through-flowing fluid, whose reaction is to accelerate in a perpendicular motion along the longitudinal axis: By way of an electronic analogy, it is somewhat similar to an outer ring-electrode and a central axial electrode, whereupon a non-uniform electric field exists to create an oscillating combination of electrophoretic and streaming potential reactions. the reactions of which upon the fluid would be to alternately generate electro kinetic energy and be accelerated by electro kinetic energy.
One More Step For Mankind - Stage Two
But the Pipe discovery was only the first step toward a Schauberger-type flying aircraft. The next step can be found in Schauberger's centripulser Repulsine machine. When I first saw the drawings of a Repulsine prototype made by Schauberger in the 1940's, I thought there must be a turbine inside that rotated to create the centrifugal force it required to process it's fluid - but - it seems this prototype didn't work like that. In fact, the whole machine rotated as one unit to create it's centrifugal effect. This rather bulky and cumbersome machine has been thought, by some researchers, to hold the secrets of gravity-manipulation. This machine was however, more likely to have been built merely as a demonstration model to show others some of the principles of his (Schauberger's) discoveries.
From the sketches for his other centripulser turbines such as the Klimator turbine and his Repulsator turbine, there can be seen the next ‘basis’, which Schauberger designed into his atom-transforming and levitating machines. For in these machines, the above Pipe processes were transferred to, and configured as, a centrifuging air chamber that alternately braked and pulled upon the air-fluid moving through it.
Inside this Repulsine, the discoveries Schauberger made in the PIPE process, above, were transferred to, and configured as a multi-plated, rotating turbine, with an amazing amount of skill and brilliance. It has to be said, Schauberger and his team of engineers did this task with a creativity and engineering prowess that the old Newtonian physicists of today can only dream of. On close inspection of this machine (in the figures shown here and shown in Schauberger's other patent applications and sketches for his 'centripulser' turbines) can be seen the next 'basis' upon which he designed his atom-transforming and levitating machines.
In these centripulser machines, close regard was paid to the principles of the Pipe processes, in that, when the chamber was rotated at above 10,000 rpm a considerable suction was created at the chamber's central inlet ducts as a result of the centrifugal forces dragging the fluid radially outwards (see note 9). The water, or fluid drawn in, is accordingly, "sucked" through the machine's low-pressure chamber, wherein this flow is 'pummeled' by it's traverse around flow-restrictors (which, for instance, could comprise concentric rings) located inside the chamber in such a way as to shape and to momentarily exert pressure on the fluid flow.
Additional to these centrifugal (axial to radial) forces are the rotational forces, operating perpendicular to the centrifugal forces, dragging upon the air-fluid inside the low-pressure chamber. Rotating anti-clockwise, the Repulsine's tapering pressure chambers (where the cover plates taper down from the crests into the troughs) acted as a 'multi-stage centrifuge' to create a considerable suction at these 'ducts' (the Repulsine was rotated at around 10,000 rpm) (see note 9again), the air drawn in was then sucked centrifugally through the two (interconnected) waveform plates, made of inorganic silver-plated copper (see the removed cover plate in fig. 5).
Here then is what Schauberger called the transition-promoting planetary motion together with a rhythmical alternation of suction and braking-pressures. This alternating motion causes the dissociation process of the oxygenes and carbones of the through-flowing air into two separate components.
For, essentially, there are two forces involved here; the centrifugal suction-pressure-suction (which can be made into a rhythmical force), and the rotating frictional force of the turbine's low-pressure chamber (spinning at around 10,000 rpm). With these forces, Schauberger used to great advantage the fact that the carbones react more readily to a centrifugal force than do the oxygenes.
When the normal (atmospheric) air has entered into the mechanism at the air intakes around the centre and has begun the dissociation process, the oxygenes in the air flowing through will react less to the centrifugal forces than will the carbones (as in the Pipe explanation above) and so the oxygenes will get dragged more by the rotating frictional force inside the low-pressure chamber than will the carbones... meaning that the oxygenes will follow a longer radial curve than will the carbones on their radial flow outwards. There will be a dual flow, just as in the example of the Pipe above, where there will exist an expulsion of a higher and a lower form of this synthesis, which is now ready for the next stage of the process; the process of reconstitution (see note 10). What exits from the turbine at this stage is the 4% carbone + 96% oxygene i.e., the predominantly negatively potentiated energy.
The Work of a True Genius
In order to backtrack a little and show more clearly the process that occurs through the waveform plates, I have drawn in (fig. 7) an exaggeration of the separation effect which takes place (note that on some of Schauberger's prototypes, all five of the concentric waveforms had air intake ducts, while others utilized only two. For the sake of clarity, I have diagrammed here only two such rings of air intakes). Essentially there are two forces involved here; one - the centrifugal suction (which, as we have just seen, is a rhythmical force), and two - the rotating frictional force of the turbine's waveforms (spinning at around 10,000 rpm) in an anti-clockwise direction. With these forces Schauberger has used to great advantage the fact that the carbones react more readily to a centrifugal force than do the oxygenes.
In (fig. 7) it can be seen that the normal (atmospheric) air enters into the mechanism at the air inlet slits around the center. The oxygenes in the air, which react less than the carbones to centrifugal forces (as in the Pipe explanation above) get pulled, or rather dragged, more by the rotating frictional force inside the waveforms, than do the carbones, and so the oxygenes follow a longer radial curve than do the carbones on their flow outwards. The carbones (represented in fig. 7 as the wider band on the right) exit through the gaps between the blades on their inside curve, which if you look closely are of a larger radius of curvature than those on the outside, meaning that the air-flow speed will be greater for the oxygenes than for the carbones - this provides the slip separation and a slip pressure - just as in the example of the Pipe so as to force the same sort of transformation process...
When you then take into consideration what happens at the Repulsine's circumference, where the super-charged air exits, you can see that each pair of higher and lower forms of this synthesis will be squeezed together into a very tightly condensed 'skirt' of energy - ready for the next stage of the process. With such ingenuity this man Schauberger should have won the Nobel prize in physics for the Repulsine alone ! But then, seeing as Nobel was the inventor of high explosives, perhaps not...
This is why, when this machine was spun-up a blue-white luminescence could be observed glowing around the outer cowling. But this stage, as mentioned above, is still only one of potential energy, a potential energy that can be intensified at a ratio of 4 : 96, according to the great man himself.
Stage Three - To Infinity and Beyond...
Now, following on from the above two stages, we have a highly energetic force at the periphery of the machine, which is absolutely crackling with energy. If a suitably curved vessel is located below this rotating peripheral force, and which can turn and guide this force back towards the machine's axis - to transform this energy flow into a centripetal force - then, just as Schauberger describes its effect, it becomes an accelerated radically-to-axially in-winding rotational force.
And we are back at the same situation with what happened inside the Pipe in stage one, where it resulted in the axial fluid being accelerated at great speed through the pipe - well not quite. In this configuration, there is a lot more energy involved, and it has already gone through one stage of synthesis. Now it is being mechanically forced centripetally in towards the centre for its final transformation, the reaction to which is very forceful. This is IMPLOSION.
This is one of Viktor Schauberger's descriptions of what happens next to this energy; "As the end product of a natural or unnatural sequence of motion, it will be accelerated along either the longitudinal or the transverse axis. In the naturalesque - formative - direction of acceleration, which must take place along the longitudinal axis (centripetally), so-called electricism acts as the absolutely indispensable resistance for all motion. As the formative velocity rises, the resistance increases commensurately in order to provide the additional frictional (resisting) surfaces required by the accelerating matter. The actual loss of formative energy associated with this amounts to about 4%, i.e. in this case approximately 96% of the formative energy (= magnetism streaming upwards at enormous speed = levitism) is freed, which sucks up its generating device and a portion of its immediate environs in its wake" (see note 10). Indeed, in all of Schauberger's descriptions of this levitative force he nowhere describes it as either a propulsive effect i.e. created by a pressure-force, or as an electrical effect i.e. an electrokinetic force.
May the Force be Levitative
This force was one that streamed in spiral fashion upwards above the machine from the machine at high speed, and which drew the generating machine or craft up in its wake - an inverted vortex or black hole if you will. Schauberger variously referred to this projectile of force as a "magnetism", a "biomagnetism", an "organic vacuum", an "all-attracting force" or, as it was most often called, a "diamagnetismus" (see note 11).
Essentially it seems to have been the second stage of implosion. The first stage of implosion is the densifying effect (where the products implode under the centripetal cycloid motion and are squeezed into an ever-decreasing space where, as he says, they become increasingly densified) but there must follow on from this a repulsion force - as the next natural progression - which, just like in the Pipe process, shoots the product out of this densified core like a bullet high into the air (see note 12).
Stage Four -Flying Disc:
Archimedes displaced...
When Schauberger strove to explain his principles of levitating energy he drew upon the famous observation made by the Greek Archimedes and gave it a new twist, which I will try and duplicate here.
Here is what Archimedes would like to have said:
One - Since every body loses weight in proportion to the degree to which it is displaced by a specifically densifying medium (see note 13)... then, Two - Sit in bath = loose weight (displacement of water). Three - Sit on floor = loose no weight (no displacement of medium). Four - If medium surrounding is more dense then it determines motion. Five - Schauberger's trout (see note 14) expulses a densified fluid about its rear, as it expands it squeezes the trout forward. Six - If you create a situation where normal air is more dense than the air directly above or ahead of the craft - the normal air will move the craft! Seven - There are two sorts of 'levitational motive force' featured in the many machines of Viktor Schauberger... Eight - One, a spinning upwards force would provide a NEGATIVE (vacuous) air density above the craft. Two, if the craft utilized only the centrifugal force, as in a Repulsine, it would propel a POSITIVE (increased) air density below the craft.
Both these motive forces will send the craft up into the air. May his work continue...
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I must here say a special thanks to Callum Coats for his unstinting dedication toward his goal of getting out into the world an English translation of at least some of the writings of this great man Viktor Schauberger, certainly without Callum's books I would not have understood Viktor's valuable contribution to the re-alignment of scientific knowledge.
Note 1 - While Viktor was still alive he worked with Aloys Kokaly in Germany to write articles about the many discoveries he had made throughout his life, these were collected and published in German in the "Implosion" magazines, which can now be obtained from Klaus Rauber at: Geroldseckstr. 4, 77736 Zell a.H., Germany Another source of Viktor's scientific work is the "Mensch und Technik - naturgemäß" German periodical.
Note 2 - See his Fluid Pipe patents Austrian 134543 (1933), 136214 (1934), 138296 (1934). And too the explanation of them in "Living Energies" by Callum Coats p180-2. Also patents Austrian 196680, and French 1057576 (translated in "The Energy Evolution" by Callum Coats p104-114). Note that my fig. 3 is different from that shown in Callum's books because I believe it more accurately portrays Viktor's own explanation. For the difference in reaction between the oxygenes and the carbones to centrifugal forces see Viktor's text translated in "The Energy Evolution" p102 and 57.
Note 3 - Another of Viktor's explanations for this transformation is; "Like the beads of carbon-dioxide in water that has been warmed, through the strong influence of heat the residual substances shrivel up after the separation and precipitation of the higher quality constituents. Due to the high pressure the outer envelope or the carrier substance will be crushed and in this way the de-energized elements released. The opposite primary elements, the varieties of so-called oxygen, will be physically released at higher temperatures, i.e. they attain the so-called charged state that enables them to consume, or as the scientist says, to bind their as it were 'devoted' condensed counterparts" (from Viktor's text translated in "The Energy Evolution" p100).
Note 4 - This is from the patent application Austrian 146141, and from its English translation in "The Energy Evolution" p189.
Note 5 - From Viktor's text translated in "The Energy Evolution" p100.
Note 6 - The oligo-dynamic effect is a necessary stage in the cycle-of-action of a substance's rejuvenation, whereby the substance is broken down (decomposed) in readiness for its next stage of development. See also Viktor's text translated in "The Energy Evolution" p102/3 and p70-3.
Note 7 - From the English translation in "The Energy Evolution" p103.
Note 8 - From the English translation in "The Energy Evolution" p83.
Note 9 - See the implosion machines featured in "Living Energies" p275-293 where Callum Coats gives the rotational speed as between 10,000 and 20,000 rpm, and an English translation of the Repulsine patent document in "The Energy Evolution" p189-195. The 'basic' concept is to be found in "Mensch und Technik - naturgemäß" Special edition Vol 2, 1993, section 7.5, whereupon the English translation of it can be found in "The Energy Evolution" p165.
Note 10 - From the English translation in "The Energy Evolution" p82.
Note 11 - It was probably a big mistake to call this force "diamagnetismus", which Viktor meant as 'through an attracting force that moved in a magnetic flux-like curve' to describe an involuting motion, which always converges toward a line, while at the same time curling back in on itself... because it got miss-translated in English (and especially by the American scientists after the war) to represent DIAMAGNETIC as in the Hall effect or the attribute of a bismuth or a copper - which is a miniscule effect detected only in micro-electronic semi-conductors. A lot of people get fooled by that one, I certainly did - a long time ago! In some cases, more with regard to the implosion of water than of air, Viktor refers to this "attracting magnet for the surrounding air-masses" as dissociated (H), where H referred partly to a suctional force, and partly to an atom of the least amount of density, more from the fact that there just wasn't a better way of describing this previously unrecognized force.
Note 12 - This second stage of implosion describes the process of inter-atomic repulsion, where the atomic lattice (and the inter-atomic spacing therein) can collapse only so far, because whoever constructed this universe ensured that when the inter-atomic spacing reaches a certain level of compression the atoms gain a repulsion force - and the greater the compression, or densifying, the greater the magnitude of repulsive forces the atoms gain. Viktor does actually say that at the formative stage (of implosion) the up flowing force does encounter a resistance which increases "commensurably in order to provide the additional frictional surfaces required by the accelerating matter" (from the English translation in "The Energy Evolution" p81/2).
Note 13 - From the English translation in "The Energy Evolution" p214.
Note 14 - Viktor used the example of the trout's swim upstream as the foundation for his research into Implosion - biologists and scientists would do well to learn from it. Also see "Living Energy" p142.
Suggested Books: 1.) "Energy Evolution", 2.) "Hidden Nature" and "Living Energies", below. Lastly, continue to "Implosion Technology Report" for my views on how to implement this amazing technology into today's society. Below, you will find books on Viktor Schauberger, from, and some products I truly like.
Learn more about Viktor Schauberger...purchase the books below, from
The original translation of Viktor Schauberger's work, "Living Water", by Olof Alexanderrson...start here, and get each one in order. This is an excellent, brief introduction to the thought of Viktor Schauberger, and I hope it inspires works which are more complete. Callum Coates' books reach in this direction, but what is really needed are more people to read these books, synthesize their information, and come up with new and original books which take us further into depth in these areas. This will probably involve synthesizing the work of Schauberger, Grander, Bienveniste, and others. An understanding of Schauberger is very important for those attempting to reconstruct an Indigenous European Perspective. Schauberger has the elements of a modern water shaman, and his shamanic / intuitive techniques of letting his body float with the water should be closely correlated with what Hans Peter Duerr has to say about "out of body" experience in his tome "Dreamtime". Although Schauberger lived in the 20th Century, his perspective allows us to imagine back what earlier indigenous practitioners may have been like. The Colonial, Imperialist Europe is only one side of the coin of Europe. We must also include the suppressed indigenous, pagan, and green sides. Significantly, the Inquisition represents a watershed in European history where a great deal of the indigenous healers and theorists were wiped out in holocaust proportions. An understanding of Schauberger, coupled with an appreciation of Steiner, Hildegard of Bingen, Hans Peter Duerr, and others, will allow us to reconstruct what a non-colonial, non-imperialist Europe was like. Understanding water's nature is essential in this regard, for water forms the basis of our understandings of flow. Furthermore, understanding water's energetic qualities will help us understand how it interacts with the body. Traditional Chinese Medicine, for example, would benefit from an accurate and holistic understanding of water's qualities. In short, this book is an excellent appetizer.
The book that started it all...Living Energies, Callum Coats first Viktor Schauberger book. If you only buy one book, this would be the one to get. Fantastic. Living Energies, May 23, 2001
Reviewer: Frank D Germano, from Tafton, PA United States: This book started it all! Callum Coats basically brought to "light" the resurgence of interest in Viktor Schauberger's theories. This is truly a brilliant work. Water as a carrier of vital energy information, trees as bio-condensers of energy between the deep earth and the sun, how self-cleansing rivers nourish the landscape, how the future of the earth depends on the replanting of natural forests, revolutionary agricultural implements, free energy heater-coolers, jet engines and gravity defying machines invented by Schauberger in the 30's and 40's, home power's pretty much all here. It was a hard book for me to put down once I started reading, and I go back to it continually for reference. This book pretty much sums up Schauberger's work, which Coats then compartmentalized and expanded in the "Eco-Technology" series with four other books. I would highly advise getting this book, first, and reading it thoroughly, before moving on to the series, as it is a fascinating preface into discovering who Viktor Schauberger WAS, and learning just how far-reaching his theories were, and applicable to us, today. FDG.
1,) The first book of the "Eco-Technology series" -The Water Wizard- This book gives a lot of history on Schauberger. The nature of water, May 23, 2001
Reviewer: Frank D Germano, from Tafton, PA United States: This is the first book of the "Eco-Technology" series, and as so, gives you the foundation of the theories presented by Viktor Schauberger, and amplified by Callum Coats. It DOES contain quite allot of previous information written in Living Energies (Coat's first Schauberger book), however, the discussion and the text is much more thoroughly covered. The substance of water, water supply, deep-sea water, the consequences of drinking purely mechanically treated water, notes on the secrets of water, high-frequency water, the pulsation and healing power of water, river regulation, groundwater tables, temperature and movement of water...notice my use of the word WATER. Yes, this book is about water, but, by reading it, just wait until you discover what you DID NOT know about "water". It is a very good start, and as I said, a foundation for understanding the theories of Viktor Schauberger. FDG.
2.) Part two of the "Eco-Technology series"Nature As Teacher,A great book on living with nature. A very nice read.
Our Senseless Toil, May 23, 2001:Reviewer: Frank D Germano, from Tafton, PA United States: I had to use a title from one of the books' opening chapters. This book is going to annoy some people. Callum Coats presents Viktor Schauberger's theories in a modern light. The laws of Nature, Questions for Science, Nature as Teacher, the fish-eagle, the swing, the trout, the ox, dancing logs and stones, the Genesis of water, the coming bio-technical age, the secret of the egg form...these are elucidated...then comes the fun stuff... the age-old secret of the atom, implosive breathing, life-force and animated breathing, is there perpetual motion (?), organic syntheses, the false world view, the mechanical equivalent of heat, plasmolytic motion; this volume gives tremendous insight into what is happening in the world, today, and practical solutions on HOW we may yet save our world. Most telling is Schauberger's inane gut feelings on the powers at work in the environment, and living water. Hey, it's only volume two of the series. Get all four, and see how these books will influence YOU to change the way we look at the earth . FDG
3.)The Fertile Earth, part three of the "Eco-Technology series. Pure drinking water, how to make it, the benefits produced in the body...the natural flow and paths of rivers, and how man has disturbed, natural farming...trees as the life giving force on the's all hear! Are you trying to save Mother Earth?, May 23, 2001
Reviewer: Frank D Germano, from Tafton, PA United States: If you are in any way interested in the environment, then this book will appeal to you. This is the third book in the highly acclaimed "Eco-Technology" series by Callum Coats. Not only does the book delve into what man is doing to harm the environment, it also offers "fresh" ideas on what we can and should DO about it. I can't believe "Green Peace" or some other pro-environmental group doesn't have this book as part of their by-laws! Fascinating. Of coarse, the entire book is based on the revolutionary work of Viktor Schauberger. This one, if you are into farming, just have a back-yard garden, or are a hard core pro-earth person, will keep you reading till the end...and want to read the entire series. A very well written and inspiring book. A different view of natural phenomena, the influence of temperature and water movement, forestry, agriculture, the energy industry, the dying forest, timber and water in the building industry, soil fertilization, increased! Again, whether you are just into learning what's happening to the earth, and why, or you are serious about trying to DO something to stop the damage already done, this book will open your eyes. FDG
4.)The Energy Evolution, the final book of the "Eco-Technology series" (If you are interested in the designs and patents on Schauberger's devices, this is the book. Culmination of the Eco-Technology Series, May 23, 2001
Reviewer: Frank D Germano, from Tafton, PA United States: This book, being the fourth and last of the Eco-Technology series, is an incredible finish. Naturally, all of the book deals with Viktor Schauberger, and his theories on living water, and the environment. This book, however, goes deeper into the actual inventions than the previous ones. It contains almost all of Schauberger's patent information, most of which, even though "lost" originally, is now amplified and explained by Callum Coats. The Trout Motor, the Repulsine, and the rest of Viktor's inventions fall in place like a well stacked deck of cards. You could very easily build these wonderful engines, yourself (with some help from a good machine shop, of coarse!). If you have waited for the conclusion of the series, your wait will be well worth the time. I highly suggest you pick up this copy. FDG
Editorial Reviews:The research of Callum Coats takes us on a journey through the life and inventions of Austrian ecologist Viktor Schauberger (1885-1958). Now, for the first time, you can view the evidence in this detailed, three-hour illustrated lecture presentation on this two video set. Viktor Schauberger was a genius whose ideas were far ahead of his time. He worked as a "forest-master" in the Austrian Alps when they were still a true wilderness. This experience was to influence his entire life's work. Schauberger prophesied the environmental crises we are seeing today, predicting that unless we start to cherish rather than exploit our world, we would surely destroy ourselves. He demonstrated how deforestation would deplete the world of water, causing deserts and climatic chaos. Asked about our technology, "How else should it be done?" His answer was "exactly in the opposite way that it is done today!" His maxim: "Comprehend and Copy Nature!" From his precise observations of the processes of Nature, Schauberger pioneered a completely new understanding of the nature of water as the most important life-giving and energy-empowered substance on the planet. This led him to develop a radical new science which flew in the face of conventional scientific thinking but which, today, is being increasingly recognized for its highly-relevant implications for civilization. Viktor Schauberger might have made a career as a brilliant inventor. Forced, for a time, to develop radical new forms of propulsion for the Third Reich, he went on to work on devices utilizing the principles of implosion - hundreds of times more powerful than conventional power sources. Even in the weeks just before his death, US government and commercial interests were exerting pressure on him to reveal his secrets. Schauberger's deep insights in the special properties of water and nature hold immense implications for future technology and ecology. On VHS tape, two tapes.
The Newest book out on Viktor Schauberger - from Alick Bartholomew, below...
Alick Bartholomewhas done a fantastic job in the writing of this book. While the few other books on Schauberger, most notably the books Living Energies, and the Eco-Technology series from Callum Coats, and of course, Olof Alexandersson's Living Water (the original pioneer) dissect Schauberger's work...Alick puts it in simple, easy to read and understand words. Many times I found that Coats' literal translation from German to English a bit much to take. Bartholomew takes all of Schauberger's conceptual ideas, and breaks them down into a series of (shall we say) modern English, comprehendible, and brilliant formats. The work is quite simply excellent. There were a number of times when I read through Callum Coats writings and was left with an unmistakable feeling of "what the heck did I just read...!" Not so with Bartholomew's writing. Chapters include: Schauberger's Vision; Different Kinds of Energy; Attraction & Repulsion of Opposites; Nature's Patterns & Shapes; Energy Production; Motion, Key to Balance; Atmosphere/Electricity; The Nature of Water; Hydrological Cycle; Formation of Springs; How Rivers Flow; Supplying Water; The Role of the Forests; Tree Metabolism; Soil Fertility and Cultivation; Organic Cultivation; The Energy Revolution; Harnessing Implosion Power; Viktor Schauberger & Society and more. I am not trying in any way to detract from buying one of Coats' books — they are a wealth of information, and the work is simply outstanding. What Bartholomew has done with HIS book, is put it in language that anyone can easily understand and comprehend in its entirety. The book is very well written, the illustrations are excellent, and all-in-all, it's probably the best book to start with in your exploration of Viktor Schauberger.
The Ceramic Living Water Egg! This is truly one nice way to hold water...and, it gives all the benefits described by Viktor Schauberger!
The "Ceramic Living Egg" Line of Schauberger-based water storage -
the "Wellness Filter!"This is the incredibleWellness Filter® line,and comes in various sizes to suit individual needs. In my humble opinion - it's the best on the market, today. Pricy, but well worth it. Again, this product is offered through the website. For website info;
"The Wellness Filter® offers you and your family a quality of water that Nature has provided to only a select few. By using natural purification processes in combination with advanced technology, the Wellness Filter® produces what many believe is the best drinking water on Earth.
The Wellness Filter® not only removes harmful contaminants but it also enhances the water through a patented process that creates a quality of water beyond the reach of conventional water filters. Clean water plays a vital role in your health, fitness and appearance..."
The Wellness Filter line is somewhat pricy, however, how can you really put a "price" on good quality, healthy, energized, virus and bacteria free drinking water?
- The "Wellness Filter" Line of Schauberger-based water filtration -
AirZooka and MegaZooka Vortex-Generating Air Cannons
The Airzookapacks an aerodynamic punch that puts even the original Wham-O Air Blaster to shame. Airzooka is a "fun gun" that blasts a harmless ball of air up to 20 feet, while unsuspecting victims wonder why their hair is messed up or their papers scatter! Learn all about the science of force and motion while you play tricks on your family and friends. Airzooka comes with a pop-up sight so you can practice your aim. They'll never know what gust of wind hit them! Great "Ghost Blaster" for Halloween. It's simple to operate! Just flip up the site to take aim. Hold your Airzooka firmly with one hand and pull straight back on the elastic launcher with the other. Release the launcher and a powerful (yet harmless) ball of air is forced out of the chamber. Put the Airzooka behind your back, whistle a tune and above all, look innocent.
Although the Airzooka is only advertised as projecting a blast of air 20 feet, I found mine can easily send a powerful enough blast to punch drapes 40-feet away. At 20 feet the impact of the air blast against a wall is loud enough to hear. At 15-feet it's loud enough to make a pronounced and satisfying "wump" when it hits. I've blown over a house of cards at 50-feet under ideal conditions. Loaded with fog from dry ice or a fog machine this gun also shoots perfectly-shaped smoke rings if the diaphragm is only pulled back 2-inches and released. Pulling it back any further creates so much turbulence as a result of the speed and power of the blast that the smoke ring's shape is blown away.
The Airzooka works by using elastic bands to pull a clear plastic membrane forward after you use off your hand to pull it back. The combined effect of the speed of the diaphragm being greater than the Mighty Blaster and the fact that it goes from a concave to a convex shape as opposed to the Mighty-Blaster's flat diaphragm seems to be the reason the Airzooka produces a more powerful blast. How much more powerful? The Airzooka can do at 40 feet as much or perhaps even more than the Mighty Blaster can do at 8 feet. The Airzooka snaps together fairly easily and only cost $14.95 At
From the makers of the original AirZooka comes the all newMegaZooka!The newest "fun gun" that blows a harmless mega-ball of air towards any object or person! The MegaZooka is SUPER-SIZED and can be used in two ways: the all new single air blast trigger action which allows you to cock your MegaZooka in position while waiting for the air assault to begin or the semi-automatic pull power action! Either way, it really blows 'em away!
The MegaZooka features the new and improved air launch material which adds more sound and pop as the air ball leaves the MegaZooka. It also features a pop-up site, double handle grips for improved aiming and single shot trigger action or rapid fire. Try your luck at indoor target practice, or take aim at your friends with surprising accuracy! Harmless fun for all ages!
The Megazooka actually demonstrates a scientific principle. Although it may not be obvious, air occupies space. When the plastic membrane of the Megazooka is released, the volume decreases and pressure increases. The increase in pressure forces some of the air out of the hole in the front of the gun. The velocity at which the air leaves the Megazooka is inversely proportional to the diameter of the hole; the smaller the hole the greater the velocity of the air. This is similar to the phenomenon when you pinch a garden hose to increase the velocity of the water coming out the end.
The Megazooka is really a very cool-looking vortex generator. The ball of air that shoots out is actually a flat vortex of air, similar to smoke rings blown by a talented cigarette smoker. You can use the MegaZooka indoors or out; it's a good way to keep people alert at all times! It comes in an awesome array of assorted colors: black, bright blue, neon yellow, magenta, and orange. The color will be our choice. $24.95 from Amazon.
A little Schauberger science:All of these guns are classed as "vortex generators" because the puff of air emitted from them is a toroidal vortex, a donut-shaped rotating ring. As the diaphragm pushes the air out of the gun, aerodynamic drag from the edge of the ring that makes the front of the gun and the still air outside of the gun causes the exhausted air to begin rotating as the red arrow at the top of the drawing shows. This creates the toroidal vortex.
Because it's rotating, the velocity inside the vortex is greater than the velocity of the air outside it (Actually, the velocity of the air outside the vortex is zero because it's still). Bernoulli's law states that the faster a flow of air is moving the lower its pressure. Since the air inside the torus is moving and the air outside isn't, that means that the pressure inside the torus is lower than the outside. This inward pressure, as indicated by the three red arrows on the bottom of the drawing, is the force that holds the smoke ring together.
The really interesting thing about smoke rings is that they don't push their way through the air as you might expect. Take a second look at the rotational arrow at the top of the drawing.
hat's the direction the air in the vortex is moving: backwards on the outer surface of the ring. As this flow rubs against the still air that surrounds the torus, friction causes the torus to tractor itself forward. Imagine a chain saw with its blade pushed against the ground, it would tend to pull itself forward. Same idea.
What keeps the smoke ring moving and why does it eventually stop? The energy that is used to move it forward and keeps the vortex rotating is taken from the inertia of the rotating air in the vortex.
Inertial is the tendency of anything in motion to keep moving. (Ignoring this principle is why there are multi-car pile-ups when people tailgate. The cars keep going in spite of the fact the brakes are slammed on.)
Even though we can't see it, feel it, or taste it, air has weight and therefore once it's in motion it has inertial that'll tend to keep it in motion. The spinning of the air in the torus is where the energy that keeps the torus moving is stored.
Eventually, air friction eats away all the energy stored in the vortex and the smoke ring drifts to a stop.