This is one of the first reference works to come out of Belgrade following the arrival there
of Tesla's inheritance in 1952. Here is a wealth of information in the form of documents drawn from the Nikola Tesla Museum archive,
compiled into a single large volume. Included are the text of 5 lectures delivered between 1888 and 1898, 99 of Tesla's 112 U.S.
Patents, 17 scientific and technical articles written between 1891 and 1920, 7 articles of a general nature written between 1897 and 1917,
and an autobiographical article from 1915.
Nikola Tesla was born at Smiljan, Province of Lika, in Yugoslavia on July 10, 1856.
From 1862 to 1874 he attended elementary and lower secondary school at Smiljan and Gospic, and high secondary one at
Karlovac. From 1875 to 1878 he attended the Advanced Technical School at Graz and finished his studies at the University of Prague in
From the year 1876, when a student in Graz, Tesla was interested in the construction of a motor without commutator.
In February 1882, in Budapest, he discovered the principle of the rotating magnetic field.
In 1883, at Strasbourg, he made the first models of induction motors.
The following year, Tesla left for the United States of America where he worked in Edison Laboratory for a short period of time; later, in 1885, he founded the enterprise "Tesla Arc Light Company" in New York.
After founding the enterprise "Tesla Electric Company" in 1887, Tesla was able to obtain the necessary financial and material resources that were needed for the realization of his invention of the polyphase system of the transmission of power and for induction motors of highgrade efficiency.
After taking out the original patents for the asynchronous motor and the polyphase system for the transmission of electric power on October 12, 1887, Tesla took out a further series of 40 patents within the same field from 1887 to 1891.
Tesla's polyphase system of power transmission was applied in 1891 at the hydroelectric power station at the Niagara Falls, the first three aggregates of which began to operate in 1896 with a total amount of 15,000 horsepower.
In the second half of 1890, Tesla started to work in the field of high frequency currents by building machine generators with a frequency of up to approximately 30
kc/s. In 1891 he invented a transformer for the production of currents of high frequency and of high tension, which later became known as "The Tesla transformer".
Tesla explained the results achieved in the field of high frequency currents in his famous lectures which were held in the period between 1891 and 1893.
Work in this field was interrupted temporarily owing to a fire in Tesla's laboratory on March 13, 1895.
After the erection of a new laboratory in 1896, Tesla resumed his work once again, and from 1896 to 1914 he published a series of new inventions which are the fountainhead for contemporary radio technics. The discovery of the four tuned circuits system, which is the basis of radio transmission, is of particular importance here. The construction of a large radio station of 200 kW in Colorado, during 1899, enabled Tesla to apply the principles and ideas set forth in his lectures in 1892 and 1893
In the spring of 1898, Tesla constructed a radio-guided ship model, and, on July 1, 1898, he took out a patent dealing with the remote control by radio of moving vessels and vehicles. By this invention, he laid the basis for wireless telemechanics.
He displayed the results of his work in the article entitled "The Problem of Increasing Human Energy", published in June 1900.
With these extremely important discoveries and inventions, Tesla occupies one of the outstanding places in the history of modern sciences and
technics. For his scientific accomplishments, Nikola Tesla received worthy and esteemed recognition from many distinguished scientific institutions, from renowned fellow scientists throughout the world. He was presented with doctor's degrees from the following universities:
Sorbonne (Paris), Columbia, Vienna, Prague, Beograd, Zagreb, Yale, Nebraska, Grenoble, Brno, Bucharest, Graz, Poitiers, Sofia, etc.
He died in New York on January 7, 1943, where he had spent the longest period of his life.
The purpose of this book is to acquaint the reader with Nikola Tesla's most important works in the numerous fields of science to which he dedicated himself. Following Tesla's example, who published his inventions in lectures held at various scientific institutions, who took out numerous patents for his inventions during the course of his life, and who wrote articles in various newspapers and magazines, the book contains three parts: lectures, patents and articles.
The first part of the book contains five of the most important lectures of Nikola Tesla in chronological order. Of primary importance is the classical lecture: "A New System of Alternate Current Motors and Transformers", held at The American Institute of Electrical Engineers, on May 16, 1888, in which Tesla explained the principle of his famous induction motor.
Other important lectures herein included are: "Experiments with Alternate Currents of very High-Frequency and their Application to Methods of Artificial Illumination", read before The American Institute of Electrical Engineers on May 20, 1891; "Experiments with Alternate Currents of High Potential and High Frequency" delivered before The Institute of Electrical Engineers and at The Royal Institute in London, as well as at The International Association of Electricians in Paris, on February 3, 4 and 19, 1892 respectively; "On Light and other High-Frequency Phenomena', held at The Franklin Institute in Philadelphia on February 24, 1893, and repeated before the American National Electric Light Association at Saint Louis in March of the same year.
In these lectures, Tesla explained his achievements in the field of high frequencies
and high voltages. This part of the book ends with the lecture; "High-Frequency Oscillators for Electro-therapeutic and other Purposes", held before The American Electro-Therapeutic Association at Buffalo, on September 13, 1898.
The second part of the book deals with Nikola Tesla's patents, selected from the numerous patents registered at the Patent Office of the United States of America.
These patents are divided into select groups, each of the groups being arranged according to the order of registration. The first group numbers 25 patents for electrical motors and generators, while the second group consists of 9 patents for electric power transmission.
Then follows a group of 6 patents for the solving of certain problems of lighting; then 17 patents for controllers and high frequency apparatus and a group of 12 patents from the field of radio-technics.
After listing the important patent for radio-control and a group of 5 patents for turbines and similar apparatus, this part of the book ends with a group of 11 patents for the solution of various problems in which Tesla was interested.
The third part of the book, which contains a cross section of Nikola Tesla's scientific and technical articles, is also divided into select groups. Tesla's articles are given in the order of their publication.
The first group consists of 17 articles dealing with Tesla's work on X-ray, Tesla's oscillator, high frequency currents, electric machines, electric discharge in tubes, and ends with an article on telephotography.
The second group of this part deals with 8 articles concerning Tesla's views about the world, his opinions about the future of electricity, wherein he discussed technical as well as general problems, which are of interest for humanity.
This part ends with Tesla's own biographical sketch.
334823 Commutator for Dynamo Electric Machines - Filed May 18, 1885
336961 Regulator for Dynamo Electric Machines - Filed May 18, 1885
336962 Regulator for Dynamo Electric Machines - Filed June 1, 1885
350954 Regulator for Dynamo Electric Machines - Filed January 14, 1886
359748 Dynamo Electric Machine - Filed January 14, 1886
382845 Commutator for Dynamo Electric Machines - Filed April 30, 1887
381968 Electro Magnetic Motor - Filed October 12, 1887
381969 Electro Magnetic Motor - Filed November 30, 1887
382279 Electro Magnetic Motor - Filed November 30, 1887
390414 Dynamo Electric Machine - Filed April 23, 1888
390820 Regulator for Alternate Current Motors - Filed April 24, 1888
390721 Dynamo Electric Machine - Filed April 28, 1888
390415 Dynamo Electric Machine for Motor - Filed May 15, 1888
555190 Alternating Motor - Filed May 15, 1888
524426 Electro Magnetic Motor - Filed October 20, 1888
405858 Electro Magnetic Motor - Filed January 8, 1889
401520 Method of Operating Electro Magnetic Motors - filed February 18, 1889
406968 Dynamo Electric Machine - Filed March 23, 1889
459772 Electro Magnetic Motor - Filed April 6, 1889
416191 Electro Magnetic Motor - Filed May 20, 1889
416192 Method of Operating Electro Magnetic Motors - Filed May 20, 1889
416193 Electro Magnetic Motor - Filed May 20, 1889
416194 Electric Motor - Filed May 20, 1889
416195 Electro Magnetic Motor - Filed May 20, 1889
418248 Electro Magnetic Motor - Filed May 20, 1889
424036 Electro Magnetic Motor - Filed May 20, 1889
445207 Electro Magnetic Motor - Filed May 20, 1889
417794 Armature for Electric Machines (with A. Schmid) - Filed June 28, 1889
433700 Alternating Current Electro Magnetic Motor - Filed March 26, 1890
433701 Alternating Current Motor - Filed March 26, 1890
433702 Electrical Transformer of Induction Device - Filed March 28, 1890
433703 Electro Magnetic Motor - Filed April 4, 1890
447921 Alternating Electric Current Generator - Filed November 15, 1890
455067 Electro Magnetic Motor - Filed January 27, 1891
464666 Electro Magnetic Motor - Filed July 13, 1891
511916 Electric Generator - Filed August 19, 1893
382280 Electrical Tranrmission of Power - Filed October 12, 1887
382281 Electrical Transmission of Power - Filed November 30, 1887
381970 System of Electrical Distribution - Filed December 23, 1887
390413 System of Electrical Distribution - Filed April 10, 1888
487796 System of Electrical Transmission of Power - Filed May 15, 1888
511915 Electrical Transmlssion of Power - Filed May 15, 1888
511559 Electrical Transmission of Power - Filed December 8, 1888
511560 System of Electrical Power Transmission - Filed December 8, 1888
405859 Method of Electrical Power Transmission - Filed March 14, 1889
LIGHTING - 6 Patents
335786 Electric Arc Lamp - Filed March 30, 1885
335787 Electric Arc Lamp - Filed July 13, 1885
447920 Method of Operating Arc Lamps - Filed October 1, 1890
454622 System of Electric Lighting - Filed April 25, 1891
455069 Electric Incandescent Lamp - Filed May 14, 1891
514170 Incandescent Electric Light - Filed january 2, 1892
462418 Method of and Apparatus for Electrical Conversion and Distribution - Filed February 4, 1891
514168 Means for Generating Electric Currents - Filed August 2, 1893
568178 Method of Regulating Apparatus for Producing Currents of High Frequency - Filed April 20, 1896
568176 Apparatus for Producing Electric Currents of High Frequency and Potential - Filed April 22, 1896
568179 Method of and Apparatus for Producing Currents of High Frequency - Filed July 6, 1896
568180 Apparatus for Producing Electrical Currents of High Frequency - Filed July 9, 1896
577670 Apparatus for Producing Electric Currents of High Frequency - Filed September 3, 1896
583953 Apparatus for Producing Currents of High Frequency - Filed October 19, 1896
593138 Electrical Transformer - Filed March 20, 1897
609251 Electric Circuit Controller - Filed June 3, 1897
609245 Electrical Circuit Controller - Filed December 2, 1897
611719 Electrical Circuit Controller - Filed December 10, 1897
609246 Electric Circuit Controller - Filed February 28, 1898
609247 Electric Circuit Controller - Filed March 12, 1898
No. 609248 Electric Circuit Controller - Filed March 12, 1898
609249 Electric Circuit Controller - Filed March 12, 1898
613735 Electric Circuit Controller - Filed April 19, 1898
RADIO - 12 Patents
649621 Apparatus for Transmission of Electrical Energy - Filed September 2, 1897
685953 Method of Intensifying and Utilizing Effects Transmitted Through Natural Media - Filed June 24, 1899
685954 Method of Utilizing Effects Transmitted Through Natural Media - Filed August 1, 1899
685955 Apparatus for Utilizing Effects Transmitted from a Distance to a Receiving Device Through Natural Media - Filed September 8, 1899
685956 Apparatus for Utilizing Effects Ttransmitted Through Natural Media - Filed November 2, 1899
685012 Means for Increasing the Intensity of Electrical Oscillations - Filed March 21, 1900
787412 Art of Transmitting Electrical Energy through the Natural Media - Filed May 16, 1900
725605 System of Signaling - Filed July 16, 1900
685957 Apparatus for the Utilization of Radiant Energy - Filed March 21, 1901
685958 Method of Utilizing Radiant Energy Application Filed March 21, 1901
723188 Method of Signaling - Filed June 14, 1901
1119732 Apparatus for Transmitting Electrical Energy - Filed January 18, 1902
613809 Method of and Apparatus for Controlling Mechanism of Moving Vessels or Vehicles - Filed July 1. 1898
1061142 Fluid Propulsion - Filed October 21, 1909
1061206 Turbine - Filed January 17, 1911
1209359 Speed Indicator - Filed May 29, 1914
1402025 Frequency Meter - Filed December 18, 1916
1274816 Speed Indicator Filed December 18, 1916
1314718 Ship's Log - Filed December 18, 1916
1365547 Flow Meter - Filed December 18, 1916
413353 Method of Obtaining Direct from Alternating Currents - Filed June 12, 1889
455068 Electrical Meter - Filed March 27 1891
464667 Electrical Condenser - Filed August 1, 1891
514167 Electrical Conductor - Filed January 2, 1892
512340 Coil for Electro Magnets - Filed july 7, 1893
568177 Apparatus for Producing Ozone - Filed June 17, 1896
577671 Manufacture of Electrical Condensers Coils - Filed September 5, 1896
609250 Electrical Igniter for Gas Engines - Filed February 17, 1897
1113716 Fountain - Filed October 28, 1913
1329559 Valvular Conduit - Filed February 21, 1916
1266175 Lightning Protector - Filed May 65 1916
A New System of Alternate Current Motors and Transformers
A lecture delivered before the AIEE, May 16, 1888
Experiments with Alternate Currents of Very High Frequency and Their Application to Methods of Artificial Illumination
A lecture delivered before the AIEE, May 20, 1891
Experiments with Alternate Currents of High Potential and High Frequency
A lecture delivered before the IEE, London, February 1892
Light and Other High Frequency Phenomena
A lecture delivered before the Franklin Institute, Philadelphia, February 1893, and before the National Electric Light Association, St. Louis, March, 1893.
High Frequency Oscillators for Electro-Therapeutic and Other Purposes
A lecture delivered before the American Electro-Therapeutic Association, Buffalo, September 13, 1898.
* Phenomena
of Alternating Currents of Very High Frequency
- The Electrical
February 21,
An Electrolytic Clock - The Electrical Engineer, May 6, 1891
Alternate Current Electrostatic Induction Apparatus - The Electrical Engineer, May 6. 1891
Electric Discharge in Vacuum Tubes - The Electrical Engineer, July 1, 1891
Notes on a Unipolar Dynamo - The Electrical Engineer, Sept. 2. 1891
* On Roentgen Rays - Electrical Review March. 11, 1896
* On Reflected Roentgen Rays - Electrical Review April 1, 1896
* On Roentgen Radiations - Electrical Review April 8, 1896
* Roentgen Ray Investigations - Electrical Review April 22, 1896
* An Interesting Feature of X-Ray Radiations - Electrical Review July 8, 1896
* Roentgen Rays or Streams - Electrical Review August 12, 1896
* On the Roentgen Streams - Electrical Review December 1, 1896
* On the Hurtful Actions of Lenard and Roentgen Tubes - Electrical Review May 5, 1897
* On the Source of Roentgen Rays and the Practical Construction and Safe Operation of Lenard Tubes
- Electrical Review August 11, 1897
* On Current Interrupters - Electrical Review March 15, 1899
* Electrical Oscillators - Electrical Experimenter, July 1919
Developments in Practice and Art of Telephotography - Electrical Review December 11, 1920
[*] Unique articles included in the forthcoming books Collected Articles
of Nikola Tesla, Vol. 1 and Collected Articles
of Nikola Tesla, Vol. 2
On Electricity - Electrical Review Jan. 27, 1897
The Problem of Increasing Human Energy - The Century Illustrated Monthly Magazine, June 1900
The Transmission of Electrical Energy Without Wires - Electrical World and Engineer March 5, 1904
Science and Discovery are the great Forces which will lead to the Consummation of the War - The Sun, December 20, 1914
How Cosmic Forces Shape Our Destinies - New York American, February 7. 1915
The Wonder World to Be Created by Electricity - Manufacturer's Record, September 9, 1915
Electric Drive for Battle Ships - New York Herald, February 25, 1917
Some Personal Recollections - Scientific American, June 5, 1915